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The Amazon Parrot

An Amazon parrot is a term used to describe a variety of parrots native to Central and South America. Today, our Boulder County vets will outline how to properly take of this kind of bird.

Amazon Parrot Overview

Amazon Parrot Types: Double yellow-headed Amazon, yellow-naped Amazon, yellow-fronted Amazon, blue-fronted Amazon, orange-winged Amazon, green-cheeked Amazons, Panama Amazon, white-fronted Amazon (spectacled Amazon), mealy Amazon, red-lored Amazon, lilac-crowned Amazon.

Amazon Parrot Size: Roughly 10 to 20 inches from head to tail (varies by species) and about 1 - 2 pounds.

Amazon Parrot Lifespan: 30+ years

Amazon Parrot Behavior

Amazon parrots are intelligent, playful birds who enjoy the spotlight. Hand-tamed Amazons are usually easy to handle and make loving affectionate pets. When Amazon parrots reach sexual maturity, they can become moody and aggressive if not properly trained and handled.

Owners can learn to read an Amazon's body language to understand its mood. For example, Amazons with narrowed pupils and raised head feathers might be overexcited and prone to biting if it's not given a chance to calm down. They are also good screechers, though not as loud as cockatoos or macaws.

If Amazons are left alone for too long, they can become bored, depressed, and destructive. They can be social with other birds, but they must be introduced slowly and carefully. They frequently get along with other well-behaved household pets, such as cats and dogs.

Amazon Parrot Housing

The Amazon parrot cage should be as large as you can fit and afford. Check that the cage bar spacing is narrow enough so that your bird's body parts do not become entangled. Some owners even set aside small rooms for their pets' free-flight aviaries. Amazons enjoy chewing, so make sure everything in the cage is safe and non-toxic.

Make sure your bird has access to a flat surface where it can rest its feet if it has a cage with a grate. Many owners use dye-free paper, paper towels, or similar materials to line the cage floor. Cages with grates allow waste to fall through, preventing your bird from walking in droppings.

Amazon Parrot Food

Pet Amazons should eat pelleted bird food every day, along with fresh fruits and vegetables. In the wild, Amazon parrots eat a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, and vegetation. Discuss the quantity and variety with your veterinarian, as nutritional requirements vary depending on size, age, and activity level.

Because birds like to graze all day, keep a day's worth of pellets in a chew-proof and tip-proof dish in the cage. Remove any uneaten pellets after 24 hours to avoid spoilage. Stainless steel dishes that attach to the cage's side are an excellent choice.

Make sure your parrot always has access to fresh water. You can use a water dish or a bottle that attaches to the side of the enclosure. Because many birds enjoy dunking food or bathing in water dishes, bottles may be more sanitary. However, before you remove your bird's water dish, make sure it knows how to drink from the bottle.

Amazon Parrot Training and Exercise

The majority of owners train their birds primarily by hand. Allow your parrot to settle in for a few days after you bring it home. Sit next to it and talk to it until it is at ease with your presence. Once it's at ease with this, you can begin training. An example is placing a perch in front of its stomach and saying "step up."

An Amazon requires at least three hours of free movement and stretching per day outside of its cage. A bird play gym outside of the cage is a great way to keep your bird entertained and active. Physical activity also provides important mental stimulation for their sharp minds.

Of course, talking is an Amazon Parrot's bread and butter, right? Start simple, with words like 'hello' and 'bye-bye.' Once your parrot masters these words, you can begin adding in other words to form phrases and even sentences. Remember to always speak clearly and to about repeat yourself often. Birds learn to mimic words by hearing them repeated over and over.

Where to Find an Amazon Parrot For Sale

To obtain an Amazon parrot, it is best to go to a reputable breeder or rescue organization. You may see them in pet stores, but those stores aren't always able to provide accurate information about the bird's health, history, and temperament. The cost of an Amazon Parrot can vary greatly depending on factors such as the bird's age. Adoption fees are usually lower than breeder fees. You should consult your breeder for the price of an Amazo Parrot for a more accurate estimate.

Do you have more questions about Amazon Parrots? Schedule a consultation with our Boulder County vets.

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